【装備】頭:マフラー 手:枝付き手袋 体上:雪 体下:ボタン 足 :なし
【ステータス】HP:14 MP:2 ATK:4 INT:0 DEF:3 MDF:1 SPD:2 CHA:4
【Equipment】Head:muffler Hand:Gloves with branches Upper body:Snow
Lower body:button Leg:Nothing
【Status】HP:14 MP:2 ATK:4 INT:0 DEF:3 MDF:1 SPD:2 CHA:4
【Skills】Roll over,Play dead
【Note】Rounded portion made of snow is also the head, is also the body.
It seems that it is popular to hang the muffler like bangs and make the branches look like pigtails.